Employees’ presence at the scheduled time is highly essential for the smooth functioning of the organizations. Absenteeism is the failure of an employee to report to work when scheduled to work.
Authorized: The employee is absent with prior permission of his superior and has applied for leave.
Unauthorized: The employee is absent without informing his reporting manager prior permission of his superior and also did not apply for leave.
Unplanned: If an employee absents himself from duty owing to unforeseen circumstances (sudden sickness, personal emergency etc).
Causes of absenteeism
- Maladjustment with working conditions.
- Social and Religious Ceremonies.
- Industrial Fatigue
- Lack of interest and a sense of responsibility
- Unhealthy Working conditions.
- Salary Dissatisfaction
- Negative Relations with Manager and Colleagues
Measures to reduce absenteeism
- Provide a safe and health working conditions.
- Counseling the employees.
- Rules and regulations for unauthorized leaves should be clearly communicated. Offer Attendance Bonus to compliant employees
- Disciplinary approach for frequent defaulters.
- Develop sabbatical, bereavement, wedding leave programs for employees.
- Cordial relations between employees, managers and teams.
- Provision of reasonable salary, allowances .benefits as per organization’s financial position.
Absenteeism Metrics
Absenteeism Rate: It can be can calculated for different department, locations, and time periods.
Frequency Rate: It is the average number of absence per worker in a given period.
Severity Rate: It is the average length of time lost per absence.